Monday, June 30, 2008

Library Thing

Only space for 200 titles in the free Library Thing account? My thriftiness is bumping up against my appetite for books. So far, I am not a big fan. The cover art seems to go with editions I don't have. I got bored after my second entry. We have used Library Thing for our inhouse book club and for our Book Club books. Has anyone reviewed for Library Thing? I remember my brief career as book reviewer for the Cleveland Plain Dealer (done under an assumed name so no one would know I was reviewing for my father) and how I lost the job because I was too picky.

Friday, June 27, 2008

RSS Feeds

So, RSS feeds are little shortcuts to web stuff. I added the top news from the Washington Post to my blog. I might play around with this one. It would be fun to get my owns customized comics page too. Our patrons might enjoy having short cuts to their accounts. I will have to visit some library web pages to see what they've done.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Using Flickr to publicize our programs

We post some great photos to our programming blog, but no one but us sees them. What would be involved in setting up accounts like Flickr? Would we need to get permission to use pics of minors (or majors) if we don't tag their names? At my branch, we do sometimes add photos to our Happenings display to show people that a good time was had by all at BIB or SRC. Flickr would take it out of the branch into the home pcs.

BTW, I checked Flickr for photos with the tag Annapolis and found some wonderful pics by a photographer named Toshio.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

First and foremost and possibly last

Ok. The first thing I noticed when I tried to create a blog was how many blog names were not available. I seem to be behind the curve again. I tried:

Sound and Fury
Signifying Nothing
Last Resort
Bottom of the Barrel

all of which seemed like appropriate names for a web study project blog. However, they were taken, taken, taken...

I fell back on goneawaylake, the title of one of my favorite children's books. But is it legal? Ah well, I am hoping that this blog languishes in the quiet obscurity it deserves.